BigCommerce vs Shopify: Which Platform Is Right for Your Online Store in 2024?

Published 19 April 2024


By Elite Digital Team

As the e-commerce industry continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, choosing the right platform for your online store has become more crucial than ever before. Two of the leading contenders in this space are BigCommerce and Shopify. Both platforms offer a range of features and functionalities, making it difficult for entrepreneurs to decide which one is the best fit for their business.

Ease of Use

One of the primary considerations when choosing an e-commerce platform is its user-friendliness. Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer intuitive interfaces that allow users to set up their online stores without extensive technical knowledge. However, Shopify is often touted as the more beginner-friendly platform, with its drag-and-drop website builder and straightforward setup process.

Design and Customization

The design and customization options provided by a platform play a significant role in the overall look and feel of your online store. Shopify offers a wide range of professionally designed templates, some of which are customizable to a certain extent. On the other hand, BigCommerce presents a larger selection of themes and provides greater design flexibility, enabling users to fully customize their websites.

Scalability and Flexibility

The scalability and flexibility of an e-commerce platform are crucial factors to consider to accommodate the growth of your business. Both BigCommerce and Shopify are built to handle stores of varying sizes, but BigCommerce edges ahead in terms of scalability, offering advanced features that cater to enterprise-level businesses. Shopify, on the other hand, is generally recommended for small to medium-sized businesses due to its straightforward setup and ease of management.

Sales Features and Performance

When it comes to sales features and performance, both BigCommerce and Shopify offer robust tools to help you manage and optimize your online store. Both platforms provide integrated payment gateways, abandoned cart recovery, and SEO optimization features. However, BigCommerce offers a slight advantage when it comes to managing high volumes of traffic and handling complex product catalogs.

App Integrations and Add-Ons

Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer extensive app marketplaces, allowing users to extend the functionality of their online stores through add-ons and integrations. Shopify boasts one of the largest app ecosystems in the industry, offering a vast array of third-party integrations to enhance your store’s capabilities. BigCommerce, though smaller in terms of available apps, still provides a wide range of integrations to cover essential e-commerce requirements.


Pricing plays a crucial role in the decision-making process for any online store owner. While both BigCommerce and Shopify have different pricing tiers, Shopify tends to be more cost-effective for smaller businesses starting out. However, as your business grows and requires more advanced features, BigCommerce’s pricing plans become more competitive compared to Shopify’s.

Customer Support

Having reliable customer support is essential when running an online store. Both BigCommerce and Shopify offer 24/7 customer support, providing users with the assistance they need in case any issues arise. Shopify has a reputation for its exceptional customer support, often receiving praise for its quick response times and knowledgeable staff. BigCommerce also offers reliable support options, including phone, chat, and email support.


Choosing between BigCommerce and Shopify depends on several factors, including the size and complexity of your online store, customization requirements, scalability needs, and budget. For small to medium-sized businesses or those looking for an easy-to-use platform, Shopify may be the preferred choice. On the other hand, if customization, scalability, and advanced features are essential for your enterprise-level business, BigCommerce proves to be a solid alternative.

Ultimately, it is crucial to evaluate the specific needs and goals of your online store in 2024 before making a final decision on which platform is the right fit for your business. By considering the factors discussed in this article, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your requirements and sets your online store up for success.
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