Team Elite has worked with some of the prestegious Fortune 500+ companies around the globe supporting their enterprise management applications and CRM systems. We have a Specialized team that works on the Epicor application development platform , that is a premier Backoffice operations and process management ERP in USA.

Team Elite Has Developed Custom Add-ons , Plugins & Reports Management Systems For Its Customers Based On Their Business Needs

Epicor Application Development

Trust : The key to great business & happy customers

We at Team Elite understand that every new relationship we build with our customers is based on the trust and mutul respect,We take our customers very seriously and make sure that we first hear them out the complete requirements they have and then patiently guide them towards the right path even if it means that sometimes we end up losing the projects due to short timelines & less budget.
We start, when plan is ready and we at, Elite Web Technologies, blend the right mix of technical and strategic alliance to work out the best tactical method, keeping our client in the confidence throughout, so that they get the product they imagined.

On-Site Support

We have a well versed team that is capable and always ready to provide on-site support as an when required. We have depth in our team, which really understands the whole web of organizational functions as well as its technical glitches.
Our experienced teams can take a hit, when they need to take a decision and we are well versed with the understanding of the business ethics as well, just in case if they need to look the project from different perspectives.


Employees with expertise on various technologies


Company was Conceived


Years and Counting 10x Growth


Satisfied clients Globally

We Aim For No Less Than A Bullseye !!

Business strategy and Technology strategy are closely related technology alone can save the culture and competitiveness of a company. Many businesses struggle to grow because they are hindered by old systems and processes that no longer meet the needs of their employees, Partners or customers. Epicor Enterprise resource planning software is easy to use and design for today’s manufacturers to position themselves for profitability and productivity with real-time visibility into all areas of your business from the shop floor to the top floor, you can resolve issues faster and spot previously hidden opportunities by connecting every aspect of your business.

Epicor Erp offers organizations the essential tools needed to create and maintain a single version of the truth. With Epicor Erp you can help you planned production runs, balance and distribute work collaborate with suppliers and respond to shifting demand. it enables leaders to make solid fact fact-based actionable decisions thanks to robust built-in Analytics. Epicor Erp also helps manufacturer simplify complex challenges of expanding their footprint and gaining market share because it is built on a technology platform designed to support your business as it grows and changes with a deep understanding of the manufacturing industry Epicor Spurs growth while managing complexity the result is a powerful solution that freeze your resources so you can grow your business.


Once with us, you love to bind us for a long time

Partnerships play a crucial role for the successful pathways, where if, mindsets are similar eventually — both enjoys

Few Insights

HIPAA – Compliant Software Development Checklist 2024

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data. Any company that deals with protected health information (PHI) must ensure that all required physical, network, and process security measures are in place and followed. This is particularly critical for software development in the healthcare sector. However, ensuring HIPAA compliance is more important than ever, given the rising incidence of cyber threats and the increasing complexity of health information systems.

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The Future of Android App Development: Predictions and Insights

As the world’s most popular mobile operating system, Android continues to dominate the app development landscape. With its expansive user base, open-source nature, and continuous innovation, Android offers unparalleled opportunities for developers. The future of Android app development promises exciting advancements and transformative changes. This blog explores key predictions and insights into the trends that will shape the future of Android app development.

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The Role of Data Analytics in Driving Continuous Innovation in Business

In today’s fast-paced business environment, continuous innovation is vital for staying competitive and relevant. Companies are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their products, services, and processes. One of the most powerful tools enabling this continuous innovation is data analytics. By leveraging data analytics, businesses can gain deep insights, make informed decisions, and drive continuous improvement and innovation across various aspects of their operations.

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Our expertise will integrate all core areas of your business,

where we will re-imagine how you deliver, and qualifies for

the returns on your investments — to enjoy the enterprise boom again.