The Impact of 404 Pages on Search Engine Rankings

Published July 31 2023


By Elite Digital Team

In the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), every aspect of a website matters when it comes to ranking in search engine results. One often overlooked but significant factor is the 404 error page. The 404 page is what users see when they try to access a page on a website that no longer exists or has been moved. While it may seem like a minor issue, the presence of 404 pages can have a significant impact on a website’s SEO performance. 

Understanding the 404 Error

The 404 error, also known as “Page Not Found,” occurs when a user attempts to visit a URL that the server cannot find. This can happen due to various reasons, such as a mistyped URL, broken internal or external links, or the removal of a page without proper redirection. When a user encounters a 404 error, it can lead to negative user experience.

The Relationship Between 404 Errors and SEO Ranking

You might wonder, do 404 errors affect SEO ranking? The answer is both yes and no. When a search engine crawls a website and encounters a 404 error, it may interpret it as a signal of poor website maintenance, leading to a potential negative impact on rankings. Here’s how 404 errors can affect SEO.

Lost Link Equity: When a page on your website with inbound links returns a 404 error, the link equity or link juice associated with those inbound links is lost. Link equity is a crucial ranking factor, and losing it can harm the overall SEO performance of the affected website.

Indexing and Crawling Issues: Frequent 404 errors can hinder search engine crawlers from effectively indexing your website’s content. If important pages are not crawled and indexed correctly, they won’t show up in search results, reducing organic visibility and traffic.

User Experience: Search engines prioritise user experience, and encountering multiple 404 errors on a website can signal poor quality or neglect. This may lead to a decline in rankings as search engines aim to provide the best user experience to their users.

Identifying and Monitoring 404 Errors

To address the impact of 404 errors on SEO, it is crucial to identify and monitor them regularly. Several tools and strategies can help you accomplish this:

Google Search Console: This free tool from Google allows website owners to monitor 404 errors and other issues detected by Google’s crawlers. Regularly check the “Coverage” report in Search Console to identify URLs returning 404 errors.

Website Audit: Conduct periodic website audits using SEO auditing tools to identify broken links and 404 errors. By finding and fixing these issues, you can improve your website’s overall health and SEO performance.

404 Error Tracking: Implement tracking and logging mechanisms on your website to receive notifications whenever a user encounters a 404 error. This helps you promptly identify and fix broken links or pages.

404 Errors Demystified: Effective Prevention and Quick Fixes

Preventing and fixing 404 errors is essential for maintaining a healthy and user-friendly website. A 404 error occurs when a page cannot be found on the server, indicating that the requested URL is invalid or doesn’t exist. Here’s a guide to prevent and fix 404 errors:

  1. Regularly check for broken links:

Use website crawlers or online tools to scan your website for broken links and 404 errors.

Periodically review your site’s analytics to identify URLs with high bounce rates, which may indicate 404 errors.

  1. Implement proper redirects:

If you change the URL structure of your website or move pages, use 301 redirects to redirect users and search engines from the old URL to the new one.

This way, visitors and search engines are automatically directed to the correct page, reducing the occurrence of 404 errors.

  1. Create a custom 404 page:

Design a helpful and user-friendly custom 404 error page that informs visitors about the error and provides navigation options to other relevant pages on your site.

A well-designed custom 404 page can keep visitors engaged and encourage them to continue exploring your site.

  1. Check for case sensitivity:

Be cautious of case-sensitive URLs, especially if your website is hosted on servers that differentiate between uppercase and lowercase characters.

Ensure all internal and external links use the correct letter case to avoid 404 errors.

  1. Utilize webmaster tools:

Register your website with Google Search Console (or other search engine webmaster tools) to monitor and receive notifications about crawl errors and 404 pages.

Webmaster tools can help you identify and fix 404 errors promptly.

  1. Check for typos and misspellings:

Review your website’s content and URLs for typos and misspellings that could lead to 404 errors.

Double-check when creating new pages or updating existing ones.

  1. Avoid linking to external sources without verification:

Before adding external links, ensure they are valid and active. Websites often change or remove pages, leading to potential 404 errors.

  1. Monitor server errors:

Keep an eye on your server logs to identify any recurring 404 errors.

Address server errors promptly, and investigate the root causes to prevent them from happening again.

  1. Update sitemaps:

Regularly update your website’s sitemap and submit it to search engines to ensure they can find and index all your pages correctly.

  1. Use consistent URL structures:

Maintain a consistent URL structure throughout your website to make it easier for visitors and search engines to navigate.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of 404 errors on your website and provide a better user experience for your visitors.


In conclusion, 404 errors do have an impact on SEO ranking. While they are not directly responsible for lowering rankings, their presence can signal poor website maintenance and user experience, leading to potential ranking drops. By understanding the implications of 404 errors and implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can maintain a healthy website, preserve link equity, and enhance user experience, ultimately improving your SEO ranking and organic visibility in search engine results. Remember, SEO is a continuous process, and regularly monitoring and optimizing your website will ensure long-term success in the digital landscape.

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