Published Feb 23, 2022


When you are into some business then you must have a website for a greater reach. Once you are done with the website, even then, there are many parameters that may entice your mind, for instance, Bounce Rate. This term flips into your mind only when you take a help from the digital marketing expert or otherwise if you a techie to some extent, then you can yourself extract this from Google Analytics for your website.

What exactly is Bounce Rate?

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When you wish to do the analysis of traffic you are having on your website, more precisely it is pinpointed as the analytical figures of the visitors who lands on your website, but due to some reason or the other they decide not to fondle the content of other web pages of that particular website, and move to something else. In a more analytical way we can say that, it is the count of single page visits divided by the total number of visits, these figures are represented purely in terms of percentage.

Is the website performing well?

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It is the beauty of analytical tools that they can let you glace at those places on your home page, where your website might be lacking. Now it can be your content, that might not be good enough to keep the interest of your visitors intact, on the contrary if visitors like most of the things placed on home page, and the visitor glides to other pages as well to see the stuff, then the bounce rate will be bare minimum.

High bounce rate is not always bad

There are numerous reasons that people just don’t linger on to the website, after visiting the first page. The analytical experts have their say on most of the matters, in order to justify the objectives of the business; they must see the relevance of the extracted bounce rate in lieu of the business of website owner. For example, if someone is trying to find out the meaning of some medical term, and for that, one should visit the or may go to that website where medical term’s compendium is there. Here the visitor will find out the meaning and go back to what one must be doing prior to that search. This bounce rate will not affect the business model because the dictionary related website is entitled to offer you the meanings of those words who have puzzled you so far. Those websites, who offer some products or services to sell, more precisely the e-commerce websites, there the experts might relate the bounce rate with the sales they are extracting out of the business. The data suggests that even the successful e-commerce businesses touch the bounce rate somewhere around mid thirties and early forties.

Do we have a formula?

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The formula for the bounce rate is

Rb = Tv/Te , where Rb is the Bounce Rate, Tv is the number of visitors who visits one page i.e., single page session, and Te is the total entries of the pages i.e. total sessions on the website.

How to track the bounce rate in Google Analytics?

When you open the Google Analytics, then on the very left corner you can see  a menu bar there and glide through the same till you find ‘Behavior’, click on the same and then go to ‘Site Content’, then finally you see ‘All Pages’, there you are.
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Image credit: Elite Web Technologies
There you can do the analysis of all the pages of your website. If you precisely want to find out the bounce rate you may look in the picture, the bounce rate is covered with red rectangle. To go there you must click ‘All Pages’ on your very left, then glide through Page, Page Views, Unique Page Views, Avg. Time on Page, Entrances, Bounce Rate, %Exit, & Page Value (written as per the order in Google Analytics).

What finally do we get from the analysis?

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Image credit: Pexels

When the website owner gets these analysis from digital marketing experts, then the awareness prevails and they can strategies as per the acquired analytics. The details churned out can come in handy, and the sometimes we have to refurbish the old ideas with new, and sometimes we stick to the current idea which is already live on the website. We need to get the insights right, like there are number of reasons why visitors are bouncing, for  instance, there is a possibility that the visitors felt that the website is not mobile responsive or running very slow, and this breaks the their touch with the website and they move out; other reason might be that they were looking for something else and released that this is not the website they are looking for; if they found the email they were looking for in the very first page then they pull back — that’s it. I hope that while reading this article the information you might be looking for the bounce rate was there, and in some way or the other this gives the notion that the article has served the purpose.

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